Thank you for downloading the XNAT 1.6.3 development virtual machine. This VM was produced and made available by the XNAT development team in the Neuroinformatics Research Group at the Washington University School of Medicine. Update information and more detailed documentation can be found at: You can also find out more about XNAT itself at: All of the XNAT 1.6.3 virtual machines are available through the NRG FTP site. These include the following versions: * 32-bit Ubuntu Server * 64-bit Ubuntu Server * 32-bit Ubuntu Desktop * 64-bit Ubuntu Desktop MD5 checksums for verifying download validity are available at the same URLs, with the suffix ".md5". USER CREDENTIALS ================ If you already know how to set up and configure a virtual machine from the provided download page, all you need is the default credentials. These are: Username: xnat Password: xnat4life NOTE: We have taken care to make sure that each VM is as up-to-date as possible at the time that it is exported and uploaded to our FTP site. However, for security purposes, you should make sure that your VM instance is updated when you first start it. Also, the default user account and password for the VM are both easily available and not very secure. You should consider changing the password for your VM user accounts if there's any chance that the VM may be accessible to anyone who could exploit the VM's access to your organization's network or the wider Internet. Once you've actually started XNAT, you can log into the system with the default administrator credentials: Username: admin Password: admin There are no other user accounts on the default VM XNAT installation. REQUIREMENTS ============ The XNAT 1.6.3 development virtual machine was created using VMWare Workstation and exported in the Open Virtualization Archive (OVA) format. This can be easily imported into: * VMWare Workstation * VMWare Player * VMWare Fusion (OS X) * VMWare vSphere (for deployment to VM clusters) * Oracle VirtualBox You should only run the XNAT virtual machine on a workstation where you can allocate at least 2 GB of RAM to the running VM instance. 4 GB of RAM is preferred. NOTE: We have taken care to make sure that each VM is as up-to-date as possible at the time that it is exported and uploaded to our FTP site. However, for security purposes, you should make sure that your VM instance is updated when you first start it. Also, the default user account and password for the VM are both easily available and not very secure. You should consider changing the password for your VM user accounts if there's any chance that the VM may be accessible to anyone who could exploit the VM's access to your organization's network or the wider Internet. QUICK START =========== This presumes that you've already downloaded the OVA file for your virtual machine. To get up and running quickly in VMWare products: 1. Select the menu command to open a virtual machine, which is usually just File->Open. 2. Browse to the folder containing your OVA archive.. 3. Select the file and click OK. It will take a few minutes while VMWare imports the OVA VM. For VirtualBox, the procedure is a little bit different: 1. Select the menu command File->Import Appliance. 2. Browse to the folder containing your OVA archive.. 3. Select the file and click Next. 4. VirtualBox will display the settings for your new VM in the Appliance settings dialog. You can review and modify these to, e.g., increase or decrease the amount of RAM specified for the VM. 5. Click the Import button to begin importing the OVA. It will take a few minutes for VirtualBox to import the VM. For all VM platforms, once you've imported the OVA as a virtual machine, you can start it up and log in: 1. Start the VM as appropriate for your VM tool. 2. Once your VM has started up and a login prompt is available, enter the login credentials. 3. Once you've logged in, you'll be the XNAT user. You can get root access to control, update, and administer your VM by using the sudo command. More information on this command is available: MANAGING XNAT AND VM SERVICES ============================= Ubuntu is based on the Debian Linux operating system. The XNAT VMs use the Debian package manager system to install services and software, meaning that the locations of packages on the VMs are predicated on how the package manager installs them. A full description of server administration is beyond the scope of this README, but there are a few basic locations and commands that will help you get started with managing your VM. Tomcat 7 is installed directly or through symbolic links in /var/lib/tomcat7. This means you can monitor the Tomcat 7 logs in the folder /var/lib/tomcat7/logs. You can also check out the configuration and contents of your XNAT application by looking in the folder /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/xnat. You can administer Tomcat 7 with the service command: * service tomcat7 stop * service tomcat7 start * service tomcat7 restart * service tomcat7 status These commands require you to have root access, which can be acquired with sudo: * sudo service tomcat7 stop The XNAT, XDAT, and pipeline folders are all available for inspection and updates in the ~/Development folder. If you need more information on working with the services or configurations on the VM, consult the Ubuntu documentation. ACCESSING XNAT ============== You can access XNAT via web browser. For the desktop versions of the XNAT 1.6.3 virtual machine, you can use the browser installed on the machine. For both the desktop and server versions of the machine, you can access XNAT using the browser on your host machine, but it takes a little bit of set up to work. There are many different ways you can access XNAT the VM from the host machine depending on how you set up networking for the VM. This procedure is the simplest but far from only means. It assumes that you've configured the virtual machine to use network address translation (or NAT) networking: 1. Log into the VM. 2. Once the command prompt has appeared, type "ifconfig". This will produce output something like this: xnat@xnatdev:~$ ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:43:a5:54 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe43:a554/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:65 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:172 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:9884 (9.8 KB) TX bytes:19908 (19.9 KB) lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:8082 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8082 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:1886395 (1.8 MB) TX bytes:1886395 (1.8 MB) Make note of the value for "inet addr:" under the "eth0" entry. In this case, the value is "". This is the IP address for your virtual machine. 3. On your host machine, open the system hosts file. The location of this depends on the operating system for your machine. For most Unix-based platforms, i.e. Linux and OS X, the file is located at /etc/hosts. For Windows systems, it's located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. On all platforms, you also need to have root or administrator privileges to modify the file. 4. Add a line to your hosts file with the IP address for your VM along with the name "xnatdev". This will look something like this: xnatdev 5. Save the hosts file. 6. In your browser, enter the URL http://xnatdev. XNAT should appear in your browser. 7. Log into XNAT using valid credentials (see above for the default credentials if you haven't yet set up any user accounts in XNAT). CONFIGURING XNAT FOR YOUR ENVIRONMENT ===================================== For the most part, XNAT as configured on your VM is ready to go: you can log in, create projects, add user accounts, upload imaging data, etc. There are two primary properties you'll want to change to work properly in your local environment: * The mail server setting is set to a dummy value, mail.server. You should change this in a couple places: - For your deployed XNAT application, change this value in the InstanceSettings.xml and files in the folder /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/xnat/WEB-INF/conf. You'll need to restart Tomcat for these changes to take effect. - Change the value for the xdat.mail.server property in your file. This only affects subsequent builds and updates to XNAT. * The email addresses for the administrator and all notifications are set to a dummy value. To change these, log into XNAT with the admin account and click the Administer->Configuration menu command. On the default System tab, you can change the administrator email address. On the Notifications tab, you can change email address for all of the notifications. ORGANIZATION ============ The virtual machine uses the following services to deliver XNAT functionality: * Tomcat 7 and Apache 2.2 integrated with mod_jk * PostgreSQL 9.1 * XNAT 1.6.3 as available through the standard XNAT download packages The XNAT source is available in the folder /home/xnat/Development/xnat. The pipeline engine is located in /home/xnat/Development/pipeline, but is also linked to /data/xnat/pipeline. The various archive, prearchive, and other data storage folders are all located in the /data/xnat folder. You can update XNAT as described in the XNAT documentation: To install modules, such as you might download from, you can copy the module archive to the folder /data/xnat/modules, then run through the update procedure as described above. If the installed modules include new data-type schema definitions, you'll need to make sure you run the database update script as described in the update steps. SUPPORT AND HELP ================ There are a number of different forums through which you can get support for your XNAT virtual machine and other XNAT-related questions: * The XNAT discussion group:!forum/xnat_discussion * The XNAT Water Cooler blog and forum site: * NRG XNAT Twitter feed: